Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Courage to Blog about my Quilting

Today I had time for coffee with a treasured friend ( a rare treat) and she began talking about a new blog she had begun re: her future relocation to a continent on the other side of the world. I had to admit to myself that I had given some consideration to blogging as well--about my new found love of quilting. From our discussion today, she gave me the inspiration to go ahead and blog--after all, she did say it was, "easy." So here I go. While I am no blog aficionado by any means, I do intend to learn. So with that, here goes!

The intention of this blog will be to document my journey into the world ( and I do mean "world") of quilting. When I ventured, a short two years ago, into my first quilting class, little did I know I would learn about the 1/4" seam, rotary cutting, stackin' and whackin', movement, quality, the "popping" of fabric, points and losing points--it almost sounded like a board game! I also learned that one can put a "full-court press" on a block to get the full play! On the fabric, that is! Having been a basketball ref for 18 years in my previous life--you can see how I made a different connection! So here you will find what I think to be "discoveries" for the "new-be" which are probably "old hat" for others who have been engaged in this craft/art for a life time.

If you are new to quilting, I am certain you will be able to share in my discoveries. On the other hand, if you are a life-time quilter--you may find some of my "discoveries" to be more along the lines of nostalgic road markers of your own quilting journey rather than something new.

I have to admit here that I have had experience in Native American beadwork--decades worth--so the seemingly tedious tasks in quilting seems like a fast-paced "freeway" compared to what I have been used to in my experience of working with size 13 cut beads. Quilting is a whole new world with its own history and its own place in our history--I am excited to share.

1 comment:

The African Kerns said...

I can't wait to read the stories behind the making of the quilts. I told you it was easy!! Welcome to the world of blogging.